The Real Estate Data-Driven System is built to deliver real estate data from top sources like:

The scraping dashboard is the most significant aspect of this project. Users can easily handle scrapers and data that has been collected. Most importantly, users can manually activate the scrapers at specific times or preset the scraping time. Within a short time, the scrapers pull the data and display it on the dashboard.

Additionally, the dashboard offers several locations, prices, property types, neighborhoods, and bedroom filter options. Thus, with those filters, users can access any data they want.

The dashboard retains your search history to provide quick access to prior data. Users can also download the data sets in a CSV format by clicking the download button.

Project Details

  • Category: Real-Estate Industry
  • Client: Martin
  • Location: Germany
  • Manager: Wilson Chan
  • Year Completed: 2022
  • Project Value: 120k